Steal The $60M System I Use to Generate Listings

Join Us for the '3 Secrets of Building a Listing Machine' FREE Webinar!

Steal The $60M System
I Use to Generate Listings

Join Us for the '3 Secrets of Building a Listing Machine' FREE Webinar!


Get INSTANT Access

to the Bonuses Ahead

of Class Time!

- Executing the Listing Team Model:
A Tactical Guide For Deploying the Listing Machine

- 50 Ways to Get Listings Right Now:
The Original E-Book for Getting Those Lead Generation Creative Juices Flowing. Never again think, "I'm out of listing leads!"

- Recruiting Ads That Work:
Swipe Our Proven Ads for Recruiting the Right Agents to Help You Scale a Dominant Listing Operation.

- One Hour Office Tour Video:
How Does Inside Sales Interface w/ The Listing Agents? What about Operations? See How It All Fits Together In Real Life.

Get INSTANT Access to the Bonuses Ahead of Class Time

How to Build a Listing Machine' is our actual system for transforming ordinary teams into wildly profitable, listing-producing monsters...

To do that, we're singularly focused on these 3 pillars:

#1: Irresistible Offers: Sellers today want certainty, ease and flexibility -- without sacrificing their bottom lines. That's hard to deliver in a market that increasingly favors buyers. Your ability to deliver alpha to your business will depend on how convincing your ads are.

Your offer can't be just good anymore. It has to make each seller think he'd be a fool not to take you up on it.

You'll learn the art of crafting offers that make sellers want to sign with you on the spot. This is about understanding what sellers want and how to present your services as the best, and only, choice.

#2: Protecting Your Profitability: I'll walk you through the steps to make your system not just effective, but profitable. This is about smart investment, cost control, and maximizing returns.

It's a mistake to think that to grow exponentially, you have to take on massive debt or sacrifice all your profits. We'll help you stay pig-headedly disciplined on the right things and forego the rest.

#3: Conversions: It's one thing to generate pre-converted, excited leads. But there are still many ways to drop the ball after that point.

I'll show you how to convert each lead to an appointment and get the agreement signed at the kitchen table. You won't fear objections anymore. You'll welcome them as you swat them away like flies.

Join The Author of The #1
Best Selling Book 1 In The World On Real Estate Team-Building...

How to Build a Listing Machine' is our actual system for transforming ordinary teams into wildly profitable, listing-producing monsters...

To do that, we're singularly focused on these 3 pillars:

#1: Irresistible Offers: Sellers today want certainty, ease and flexibility -- without sacrificing their bottom lines. That's hard to deliver in a market that increasingly favors buyers. Your ability to deliver alpha to your business will depend on how convincing your ads are.

Your offer can't be just good anymore. It has to make each seller think he'd be a fool not to take you up on it.

You'll learn the art of crafting offers that make sellers want to sign with you on the spot. This is about understanding what sellers want and how to present your services as the best, and only, choice.

#2: Protecting Your Profitability: I'll walk you through the steps to make your system not just effective, but profitable. This is about smart investment, cost control, and maximizing returns.

It's a mistake to think that to grow exponentially, you have to take on massive debt or sacrifice all your profits. We'll help you stay pig-headedly disciplined on the right things and forego the rest.

#3: Conversions: It's one thing to generate pre-converted, excited leads. But there are still many ways to drop the ball after that point.

I'll show you how to convert each lead to an appointment and get the agreement signed at the kitchen table. You won't fear objections anymore. You'll welcome them as you swat them away like flies.

Join The Author of The #1
Best Selling Book In The World On Real Estate Team-Building...

How to Build a Listing Machine' is our actual system for transforming ordinary teams into wildly profitable, listing-producing monsters...

To do that, we're singularly focused on these 3 pillars:

#1: Irresistible Offers: Sellers today want certainty, ease and flexibility -- without sacrificing their bottom lines. That's hard to deliver in a market that increasingly favors buyers. Your ability to deliver alpha to your business will depend on how convincing your ads are.

Your offer can't be just good anymore. It has to make each seller think he'd be a fool not to take you up on it.

You'll learn the art of crafting offers that make sellers want to sign with you on the spot. This is about understanding what sellers want and how to present your services as the best, and only, choice.

#2: Protecting Your Profitability: I'll walk you through the steps to make your system not just effective, but profitable. This is about smart investment, cost control, and maximizing returns.

It's a mistake to think that to grow exponentially, you have to take on massive debt or sacrifice all your profits. We'll help you stay pig-headedly disciplined on the right things and forego the rest.

#3: Conversions: It's one thing to generate pre-converted, excited leads. But there are still many ways to drop the ball after that point.

I'll show you how to convert each lead to an appointment and get the agreement signed at the kitchen table. You won't fear objections anymore. You'll welcome them as you swat them away like flies.

Join The Author of The #1
Best Selling Book In The World On Real Estate Team-Building...

In 2010, I was desperate.

I’d recently lost my life savings ($250k earned from mowing yards for 10 years) in a failed bar and restaurant venture.

I was sleeping on my girlfriend’s red IKEA couch that was held up by phone books (embarrassing pic below!)

I needed a plan to get back on my feet and the only thing I knew how to do to make a lot of money quickly was real estate.

I’d been an agent in 2006 but left to chase money in oil & gas. So, with no better idea, I started a traditional brokerage model here in Austin.

And . . . It sucked. I hated it. I’d hired all the wrong people (except for one guy, who is now my business partner.)

It grew too slowly and this one agent and I were selling 80% of the homes. So, I burned it all down.

We rebuilt it in a more profitable, team-based image. I hired an ISA. I invested in media advertising even though I couldn’t afford it.

It worked. Two years later we were standing on the stage of local business gala, accepting the '#1 Team in Austin' award.

I’d say it’s unbelievable, but it’s not. I
we'd make it.

It all stemmed from hard work, sure -- but more importantly, from making the right choices. And doing things in the right

In hindsight, I can see exactly the steps that led me to success.

There’s nothing mystical about what I did. It wasn’t luck. It was just about thinking strategically and asking the right questions.

Which step costs a lot now but helps me leapfrog to the next production tier quickly?

Who is the next player I need to hire so that I can work on higher income-producing activities?

How do I buy back time to do the things that drive the business?

I’m going to share all that with you, and we’re going to start with the ENGINE of any successful real estate business.

We’re going to blow up your listing inventory. Control the listings; control your market.

Let’s go.

~ Chris Watters

Oh and if you're wondering -- the girlfriend who let me stay on her couch -- she's my wife now. Here we are with our two girls, Eva and Stella. Life is good.

How to Gain Market Share (on Steroids)

In the span of three months, I'll walk you through the full system that I use to dominate listings in my markets.

It's the same system I've taught a handful of team owners across the U.S. and Canada who have picked up major market share on unbelievably short timelines.

Irresistible Offers

More than ever, you have to meet consumers where they are. And where they are is tired, busy and fed up with gimmicks.

So give them something real they can get excited about. And watch them come to you in droves.

I'm not holding anything back. I'll tell you exactly how I'm making the phone ring of the hook (and you can too.)

What to Say . . .

. . . in your marketing.

. . . on the phone to a hot listing prospect.

. . . at the kitchen table, to help you get the commission that you're worth.

. . . on the way out of the appointment, to effectively handle the final objection standing between you and a signed listing agreement.

. . . on the phone a few days later, helping them to correct the error of not signing with you immediately.

In 2010, I was desperate.

I’d recently lost my life savings ($250k earned from mowing yards for 10 years) in a failed bar and restaurant venture.

I was sleeping on my girlfriend’s red IKEA couch that was held up by phone books (embarrassing pic below!)

I needed a plan to get back on my feet and the only thing I knew how to do to make a lot of money quickly was real estate.

I’d been an agent in 2006 but left to chase money in oil & gas. So, with no better idea, I started a traditional brokerage model here in Austin.

And . . . It sucked. I hated it. I’d hired all the wrong people (except for one guy, who is now my business partner.)

It grew too slowly and this one agent and I were selling 80% of the homes. So, I burned it all down.

We rebuilt it in a more profitable, team-based image. I hired an ISA. I invested in media advertising even though I couldn’t afford it.

It worked. Two years later we were standing on the stage of local business gala, accepting the '#1 Team in Austin' award.

I’d say it’s unbelievable, but it’s not. I
we'd make it.

It all stemmed from hard work, sure -- but more importantly, from making the right choices. And doing things in the right

In hindsight, I can see exactly the steps that led me to success.

There’s nothing mystical about what I did. It wasn’t luck. It was just about thinking strategically and asking the right questions.

Which step costs a lot now but helps me leapfrog to the next production tier quickly?

Who is the next player I need to hire so that I can work on higher income-producing activities?

How do I buy back time to do the things that drive the business?

I’m going to share all that with you, and we’re going to start with the ENGINE of any successful real estate business.

We’re going to blow up your listing inventory. Control the listings; control your market.

Let’s go.

~ Chris Watters

Oh and if you're wondering -- the girlfriend who let me stay on her couch -- she's my wife now. Here we are with our two girls, Eva and Stella. Life is good.

How to Gain Market Share (on Steroids)

In the span of three months, I'll walk you through the full system that I use to dominate listings in my markets.

It's the same system I've taught a handful of team owners across the U.S. and Canada who have picked up major market share on unbelievably short timelines.

Irresistible Offers

More than ever, you have to meet consumers where they are. And where they are is tired, busy and fed up with gimmicks.

So give them something real they can get excited about. And watch them come to you in droves.

I'm not holding anything back. I'll tell you exactly how I'm making the phone ring of the hook (and you can too.)

What to Say . . .

. . . in your marketing.

. . . on the phone to a hot listing prospect.

. . . at the kitchen table, to help you get the commission that you're worth.

. . . on the way out of the appointment, to effectively handle the final objection standing between you and a signed listing agreement.

. . . on the phone a few days later, helping them to correct the error of not signing with you immediately.


From the Author of The #1 Best Selling Book In The World On
Real Estate Teams... The Definitive Class in PowerListing.

The Problem With Old-School Listing Lead Generation

It's not scalable. You can't build a big business by referral. (Sorry, not sorry.)

You're not gonna 'pop-by' your way out of this one, boys and girls. There's no way to "Oh yeah hey by the way..." referral ask your way into a scalable business.

None of these old tactics get you to the goal: a business that runs without your involvement in the daily grind. One that you can 1) sell for cash OR 2) appoint leaders to operate at a hefty margin.

There's no difference between you and your competitors.

"Which shade of beige would you like?" That's what we're really asking our clients when we take the same old tired pitch to them and ask them to choose us over Realtor® A or B.

"Stage it, shoot it, list it w/ the local board and pray for daylight" isn't cutting it anymore. Sellers want certainty, ease and maximized return. The iBuyers have programmed them to expect more. You have to create calls to action that are IRRESISTIBLE. Give me FOMO for not calling you.

You're not covering enough eyeballs and eardrums.

Sellers are more immune to advertising than ever. Take the number of brand impressions you THINK you need to meet your sales goals and multiply it by 10X.

In this new model, you have to become inescapable in your marketplace. Your face. Your message. Everywhere at once.

Stop being an agent.

Start being an owner.

Get a Grip on Your Client Acquisition Cost and Unit Economics.

That means 'make sure you don't overpay for lead generation'. And some other stuff you'll understand better when you make that transition from the producing agent mindset to the mindset of an owner of an actual business.

I'll show you how to prime your lead generation pump to squeeze the most profits out of each inbound inquiry.

Master the Science (and Art!) of Inside Sales

What happens between the time that a lead inquires and the time you sit down with them at the kitchen table? How many leads slip through the cracks in those minutes, hours . . . or is it days, currently?

Take control of this part of the process and CLOSE the holes that currently exist in your lead generation buckets. I'll tell you how to gain leverage over this part of your business. I'll tell you who to hire, what to have them say and the processes you'll need to book high-quality appointments and filter out the junk.

Master Appointment Conversion

Optimize Your Face-to-Face Conversion

What if you're making face-to-face conversion harder than it has to be? (Spoiler alert: You are.)

Learn what I do to close the vast majority of my appointments at the kitchen table. And learn to eat objections for breakfast, so they no longer throw you off track. We'll bust through that in one single day.

Learn How to Stack Value to the Ceiling So You Earn Your Price.

For all the talk about commissions right now, here's one truth that remains sage advice for every business person: Charge what you're worth.

If you want to charge more, then learn how to add one genuinely impactful benefit after another to your presentation so you can earn your commission and then some.

Go Back for Seconds: Turn Your L's Into W's

How to you convert the losses to wins? The long term 'TBD's to clients who take action now?

Stop losing listings to the 'neighborhood expert agent'. I'll show you how to master post-appointment conversions so that you get the most out of every appointment set.

The Problem With Old-School Listing Lead Generation

It's not scalable. You can't build a big business by referral. (Sorry, not sorry.)

You're not gonna 'pop-by' your way out of this one, boys and girls. There's no way to "Oh yeah hey by the way..." referral ask your way into a scalable business.

None of these old tactics get you to the goal: a business that runs without your involvement in the daily grind. One that you can 1) sell for cash OR 2) appoint leaders to operate at a hefty margin.

There's no difference between you and your competitors.

"Which shade of beige would you like?" That's what we're really asking our clients when we take the same old tired pitch to them and ask them to choose us over Realtor® A or B.

"Stage it, shoot it, list it w/ the local board and pray for daylight" isn't cutting it anymore. Sellers want certainty, ease and maximized return. The iBuyers have programmed them to expect more. You have to create calls to action that are IRRESISTIBLE. Give me FOMO for not calling you.

You're not covering enough eyeballs and eardrums.

Sellers are more immune to advertising than ever. Take the number of brand impressions you THINK you need to meet your sales goals and multiply it by 10X.

In this new model, you have to become inescapable in your marketplace. Your face. Your message. Everywhere at once.

Stop being an agent.

Start being an owner.

Get a Grip on Your Client Acquisition Cost and Unit Economics.

That means 'make sure you don't overpay for lead generation'. And some other stuff you'll understand better when you make that transition from the producing agent mindset to the mindset of an owner of an actual business.

I'll show you how to prime your lead generation pump to squeeze the most profits out of each inbound inquiry.

Master the Science (and Art!) of Inside Sales

What happens between the time that a lead inquires and the time you sit down with them at the kitchen table? How many leads slip through the cracks in those minutes, hours . . . or is it days, currently?

Take control of this part of the process and CLOSE the holes that currently exist in your lead generation buckets. I'll tell you how to gain leverage over this part of your business. I'll tell you who to hire, what to have them say and the processes you'll need to book high-quality appointments and filter out the junk.

Master Appointment Conversion

Optimize Your Face-to-Face Conversion

What if you're making face-to-face conversion harder than it has to be? (Spoiler alert: You are.)

Learn what I do to close the vast majority of my appointments at the kitchen table. And learn to eat objections for breakfast, so they no longer throw you off track. We'll bust through that in one single day.

Learn How to Stack Value to the Ceiling So You Earn Your Price.

For all the talk about commissions right now, here's one truth that remains sage advice for every business person: Charge what you're worth.

If you want to charge more, then learn how to add one genuinely impactful benefit after another to your presentation so you can earn your commission and then some.

Go Back for Seconds: Turn Your L's Into W's

How to you convert the losses to wins? The long term 'TBD's to clients who take action now?

Stop losing listings to the 'neighborhood expert agent'. I'll show you how to master post-appointment conversions so that you get the most out of every appointment set.

Why do people love our way of building business so much?

*Because It Works. Just Ask These Folks.

Just a few of our success stories...Regular real estate agents just like YOU.

Be the Only Ninja Agent in Your Market . . .
Before It's Too Late.


Learn the 3 Secrets of Building a Listing Machine and Fix Your Business For Good!

Here's the real truth about today's market.

Hey there – Chris Watters here.

You might know me as the trailblazer in real estate, the one who’s redefined what it means to be a top agent. Now, I'm inviting you to something that could revolutionize your approach to real estate. Welcome to my exclusive webinar: ‘3 Secrets of Building a Listing Machine.

Let's face it, the real estate market right now is like navigating a minefield. Buyer agents are facing an uphill battle with uncertain commissions. Buyers are jittery, backing out of deals at the last minute. It’s chaos out there. But in chaos, there’s opportunity. That's where my system, tried and tested in the very same turmoil, comes into play.

Why This Class Is Different:

This isn't some fluffy, theoretical talk. It’s a deep dive into the strategies that have made me a leader in real estate. You're getting the real, gritty details – the stuff that actually works.

The Art of Attracting Listings:
I'll show you how to attract sellers like never before. We’re talking strategies that pull in high-quality listings consistently.

Building a Robust Pipeline:
Discover how to keep your pipeline bursting with quality leads, ensuring you're never left scrambling for business.

Real Strategies for Real Results
You're going to learn how to adapt to market changes, how to leverage your strengths, and how to build a system that works for you. This is about building a resilient, thriving business.

The Power of Action

This webinar is for doers. If you’re ready to put in the work, to learn and apply these strategies, then you're exactly who I'm talking to.

Why You Can’t Afford to Miss This

This class is about transforming your business. It's about building something that not only withstands market fluctuations but thrives because of them. You're getting insights, strategies, and tactics that I've honed over years of being at the top of the game.

So, are you ready to build your own Listing Machine? Are you ready to become the go-to agent in your area? Join me in this class, and let's make it happen. This is more than just learning; it's about doing, about taking your business to heights you've only dreamed of.

Sign up now. Spaces are limited, and this opportunity won’t last forever. Let's build your Listing Machine together.

The Real Estate Landscape: Unprecedented Challenge

Let's face it, the real estate market right now is like navigating a minefield. Buyer agents are facing an uphill battle with uncertain commissions. Buyers are jittery, backing out of deals at the last minute. It’s chaos out there. But in chaos, there’s opportunity. That's where my system, tried and tested in the very same turmoil, comes into play.

Why This Class Is Different:

This isn't some fluffy, theoretical talk. It’s a deep dive into the strategies that have made me a leader in real estate. You're getting the real, gritty details – the stuff that actually works.

The Art of Attracting Listings:

I'll show you how to attract sellers like never before. We’re talking strategies that pull in high-quality listings consistently.

Building a Robust Pipeline:

Discover how to keep your pipeline bursting with quality leads, ensuring you're never left scrambling for business.

Real Strategies for Real Results:

You're going to learn how to adapt to market changes, how to leverage your strengths, and how to build a system that works for you. This is about building a resilient, thriving business.

The Power of Action:

This webinar is for doers. If you’re ready to put in the work, to learn and apply these strategies, then you're exactly who I'm talking to.

Why You Can’t Afford to Miss This:

This class is about transforming your business. It's about building something that not only withstands market fluctuations but thrives because of them. You're getting insights, strategies, and tactics that I've honed over years of being at the top of the game.

So, are you ready to build your own Listing Machine? Are you ready to become the go-to agent in your area? Join me in this class, and let's make it happen. This is more than just learning; it's about doing, about taking your business to heights you've only dreamed of.

Sign up now! Spaces are limited, and this opportunity won’t last forever. Let's build your Listing Machine together.

The 3 Secrets of My Listing System . . . Revealed in
90 Minutes!

Here's the real truth about today's market.

Hey there – Chris Watters here.

You might know me as the trailblazer in real estate, the one who’s redefined what it means to be a top agent. Now, I'm inviting you to something that could revolutionize your approach to real estate. Welcome to my exclusive webinar: ‘3 Secrets of Building a Listing Machine.’

The Real Estate Landscape: Unprecedented Challenge

Let's face it, the real estate market right now is like navigating a minefield. Buyer agents are facing an uphill battle with uncertain commissions. Buyers are jittery, backing out of deals at the last minute. It’s chaos out there. But in chaos, there’s opportunity. That's where my system, tried and tested in the very same turmoil, comes into play.

Why This Class Is Different:

This isn't some fluffy, theoretical talk. It’s a deep dive into the strategies that have made me a leader in real estate. You're getting the real, gritty details – the stuff that actually works.

The Art of Attracting Listings:
I'll show you how to attract sellers like never before. We’re talking strategies that pull in high-quality listings consistently.

Building a Robust Pipeline:
Discover how to keep your pipeline bursting with quality leads, ensuring you're never left scrambling for business.

Real Strategies for Real Results
You're going to learn how to adapt to market changes, how to leverage your strengths, and how to build a system that works for you. This is about building a resilient, thriving business.

The Power of Action

This webinar is for doers. If you’re ready to put in the work, to learn and apply these strategies, then you're exactly who I'm talking to.

Why You Can’t Afford to Miss This

This class is about transforming your business. It's about building something that not only withstands market fluctuations but thrives because of them. You're getting insights, strategies, and tactics that I've honed over years of being at the top of the game.

So, are you ready to build your own Listing Machine? Are you ready to become the go-to agent in your area? Join me in this class, and let's make it happen. This is more than just learning; it's about doing, about taking your business to heights you've only dreamed of.

Sign up now. Spaces are limited, and this opportunity won’t last forever. Let's build your Listing Machine together.

The 3 Secrets of My Listing System . . . Revealed in
90 Minutes!


Here's Why Your Listing Strategy Is 3X More Important Than Last Year . . .

That ‘Change or Die’ Moment? It’s Already Here.

You’re a smart agent. You see the writing on the wall.

It started with the portals, intercepting up your leads and selling them back to you.

Next came the iBuyers and their bottomless pockets. Unlike you, they could afford not to care about turning a profit. Their venture-backed, blank check-wielding, scorched Earth approach to getting as many signs in yards as possible worked . . . until it didn’t.

True, those outfits have largely flamed out, leaving their investors penniless. But the lasting mark they’re leaving on our industry is a new set of consumer expectations: that agents should open doors with no questions asked, do it for free, and in under an hour.

Then came the commission lawsuits, which threaten the very premise of buyer representation, since few buyers are willing or able to come out of pocket for an additional commission expense.

Combine all of those things together you have a perfect storm. You have an industry thrown into chaos.

Average agents will leave the business. Even good agents hide under their blankets in the hope that it all goes away.

But, as in all times of disruption, there will be winners.


While we’re still waiting to see exactly how things shake out, one thing is clear.

The teams with the biggest listing inventories will survive.

And the Alpha teams -- the dominant listing operations -- will influence the way business is conducted in their markets post-shift.

Stop talking about surviving the shift. That’s not your story.

Instead, write the most exciting chapter yet. Let’s make it about the time you ran toward the uncertainty and used the chaos as a springboard to 10X your business like others have before you.

​I’ll Bet You’re Thinking.. My Business Is Too Small to Dominate Listings..

When started pursuing listings hardcore in 2011, I’ll admit, I wondered the same thing.

I’m a pretty confident guy . . . but I absolutely remember thinking, “Am I crazy for doing this?”

After all, I was earning a lot of commissions but I wasn’t spending the money on myself. I was reinvesting it in this big initiatives that allowed me to leapfrog other agents who were satisfied with growing incrementally.

I don’t like the word ‘incremental’ and neither should you.

So, is your business too small to dominate listings in your market? Sure, that’s true. Until it’s not.

You’ll implement my ninja lead generation tactics that create new appointments . . .

And then you’ll layer on the brand indoctrination pieces that make those appointments even easier . . .

And then you’ll add the things I taught you about how to stack your listing presentation with value all the way up to the ceiling, so you can charge what you’re worth.

Oh and then you’ll add the Inside Sales piece that pays for itself and then some by closing the holes in your conversion bucket.Then you’ll add another special program, then two, then three.

By implementing one ninja initiative after another, carefully choreographed so that all of these pieces work together to drive revenue up like a hockey stick . . . you’ll build your Listings Machine.

The right things, deployed at exactly the right time.

Behold -- you, the new Alpha in your market.

Still not convinced that you got this?

Just ask Mark Dietel in Indianapolis, Ryan Dobbs in Bakersfield, Ed Prather in Denver -- AND MANY OTHERS . . .

A Note From Chris Watters:

Hey. I know I’ve shared a lot here and maybe you’re one of those ‘just give me the bottom line’ folks who skips to the end. (That’s me too, TBH!)

Here’s the deal.

In my class I’m peeling back the curtain and showing you exactly what steps to take to build a high-performance Listing Machine right now in your market.

In the class I’ll share the methodology, the processes, the messaging and the a-ha’s you’ll need to implement this yourself.If you’re frustrated with closing one deal, two deals, three deals a month and want to know how to SCALE this thing into a REAL business that operates without your involvement in the daily grind . . . then I’m your guy.

And this is your class.

When the class is over, you’ll truly have what you need to go and implement the strategy yourself.

Go here to claim your seat.

~Chris Watters

Chris Watters Coaching By Chris Watters
Copyright 2024. All rights reserved